Something new!

LEG CRAMPING AT NIGHT. This never happened my first pregnancy. And then suddenly maybe at 34 weeks (?) I woke in a calf cramp startling myself because I had no control over my leg. Nothing helped. Tony was a tad panicked as well! So I stretched and rearranged my feet propped up.. it did nothing but I was able to get to sleep thankfully!

Fast forward. 37.5 weeks. I was in pain! As if I did calf raises continuously! Yes I get I’m on my feet, but no I’m not on my top toes ever, that would be Momma!

After research – magnesium potassium and water. Well I take supplements of both of those and I drink 200oz of water a day, it’s just the way these last few weeks are going to be! So I started drinking 48oz of water with Pink Himalayan Salt and lemon juice one time a day. Natural form of electrolytes. Then my client mentioned mustard! So her brother was a player and coach and they can’t keep bananas on the field so upon a leg cramp they chug some mustard. Which is ironic because I CRAVED mustard when I was pregnant with Coralynne and this leg cramping wasn’t ever an issue! So yesterday I ate mustard. Quite a lot with my turkey. And the water. My energy was superb all day and I wasn’t even tired when it was time for bed. To be two days away from 38 weeks, I’m so happy to have relief in the calf’s! Something so little but interfered with my sleeping that’s for sure!

Isn’t it crazy how our bodies adjust so instantaneously when we give it what it needs?! People have asked how much longer I have and are amazed that I have two weeks to go! Most think I’m 7 months, ha! No swelling. No face changes. No pimples. Friends, eliminating sugar has changed my life! Yes I eat bites of things here and there but that doesn’t make that drastic of a change to my Keto diet with a baby fueling off me! I’m so excited for the journey to continue after babygirl no. 2 comes out and breastfeeding begins! A full, high fat diet sounds like super good milk for my girl! And Coralynne was a boob-fed girl until I got pregnant! God has created the women’s body so intricate and it amazes me more and more, everyday ❤️

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